Friday 16 February 2007

Sex, Lies and... Stalkers?

After watching the various clips presented in class, and thinking about the questions asked, I came to a few conclusions.

One, shop lifting is a form of theft, but there are various degrees on this crime, at least in the US that is. Lois was stealing stuff, and it depends on the dollar value how severe the crime actually is. If she was stealing money, or as mention in the lecture, if she was putting lives at danger, then the crime is more severe. And to answer why people who can afford to buy things steal them instead, in extreme conditions, all for the adrenaline rush.
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My second conclusion is that a prostitute is a prostitute! If you are selling yourself (sexually) for money, then you are a prostitute. If you are manipulating people for monetary benefits, then you are simply a freeloader! What was happening in Breakfast at Tiffany's is a classic case of pretty girl taking advantage of a rich man. I personally don't think thats respectable, but I do feel that it is more socially respectable because there is no sexual favors being performed. Also, it is ones own fault to assume that one will receive "compensation" for footing the bill.
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Finally, there is definitely a fine line between paying attention to someone and stalking. What was happening in Peep Show was what I consider stalking. Hacking into someone's e-mail account is in no way acceptable behavior. I feel it is acceptable to pay attention to when someone takes their lunch break so you can casually run into them, or find a common interest like skiing and turn that into a conversation. But once you have found similarities, it is important to actually pursue the person, otherwise you are just being creepy. It is never acceptable to follow someone home, or to watch them at home or other public places without your presence being known. It is never acceptable to hack into e-mail accounts, open others mail or hack into their voice mail. Some things are harmless acts of a crush, and some things are just over the edge, but I think whats harmless and whats not are very obvious.

Thursday 15 February 2007

To Quit or not to Quit....

As previously mentioned, I am not a fan of smoking/smokers. While I remain a non-smoker, I have many friends that choose to be part of the big bad smoker group. I am currently here at Wolverhampton as an exchange student from the US, and I recently got wind that one of my US smoker friends finally decided to attempt quitting. I was so excited to read that she bought the patch and was on the road to giving up such a nasty habit. There is nothing I hate more than going to her apartment, and even if I am in there for less than five minutes, I come out smelling like an ashtray! Well I expressed my excited to her room mate, who then told me that yes she did buy the patch, but she also bought a carton of cigarettes the same day! I was so disappointed, she couldn't even make it a day. I guess the answer to the question is... not to quit.
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Jill (the smoker) and myself

Wednesday 14 February 2007

The Long Ride Home

I have never really cared when others were smoking, as I myself am a non-smoker, but this weekend made me hate smokers just a little bit more. I went away this weekend to the city of Bath, and of course the cheapest way of getting there was by bus, so me and my friends took the six hour journey by coach. All was well going there, it was the bus ride home that set me off. First our connecting bus was 30 minutes late, then the driver decided that he couldn't make the two hour bus without a cigarette! We ended up stopping an hour into our second of three bus rides just so this guy could waste 20 minutes of my life while he smoked a cigarette. It wouldn't have bothered me so much if the bus was running on time, but he was late to begin with, and had to make us even more late for our final connecting bus, which we almost missed. It's one thing to be a smoker and doing it on your own time, but to be wasting everyone else's time is just stupid!!
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