Thursday 15 February 2007

To Quit or not to Quit....

As previously mentioned, I am not a fan of smoking/smokers. While I remain a non-smoker, I have many friends that choose to be part of the big bad smoker group. I am currently here at Wolverhampton as an exchange student from the US, and I recently got wind that one of my US smoker friends finally decided to attempt quitting. I was so excited to read that she bought the patch and was on the road to giving up such a nasty habit. There is nothing I hate more than going to her apartment, and even if I am in there for less than five minutes, I come out smelling like an ashtray! Well I expressed my excited to her room mate, who then told me that yes she did buy the patch, but she also bought a carton of cigarettes the same day! I was so disappointed, she couldn't even make it a day. I guess the answer to the question is... not to quit.
<span class=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" border="0">
Jill (the smoker) and myself

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