Wednesday 28 March 2007


At the beginning of the last lecture, we were asked if we were had modified our bodies. Not really thinking about the question, I didn't raise my hand, but am definitely guilty. I have had a monroe piercing as well as my ears, and died my hair numerous amounts of times. I can't actually remember how many different times and colors my hair has been. Anyway, I decided to "modify" my body again. I died my hair red, and when I was doing this, I totally thought of our last lecture. This isn't really an opinion or anything, I am just writing because the lecture made me think more about what body modification is, and how often I actually do modify my body.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Free Canvas...

I personally love the idea of tattoos and piercings, I have my ears pierced and had a Monroe at one point. There is nothing better than using your body as your own personal canvas. It is no one else's property but your own, and no one has the right to tell you what to do with it. You can have one or the other, or even both. They can be clearly shown or concealed for your own personal enjoyment, its all up to you. I don't currently have any tattoos, but someday when I am really inspired I just may get one, but I'm not there yet. I think being able to have something that has deeper meaning than anyone else can even understand is an amazing personal power. Some people think tattoos and piercings are ugly, and sometimes offensive, but that is their opinion. The lecture this past Thursday on this topic was extremely interesting because I never really had a grasp on how many cultures use these as forms of expression and religious purposes. While tattoos are a way to be ones own personal canvas, they are historic and full of culture.
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Wednesday 21 March 2007

Step away from my door!

There are many things in this world I dislike, and one of them is when people attempt to force their ideals upon you. As mentioned in George Chryssides' lecture, Jehovah’s Witnesses are among the religions that to me, work to hard to spread their word. I can remember countless times of seeing the unfamiliar car parked at the end of my driveway, and wondering who is that walking to our door step? It annoys me that rituals like this are thought of as productive. My family, as do many, opted for the pretend like we are not home option, even if the T.V was on. The way I see it is, if I wanted to be a part of your group I would. Everyone has their own beliefs and morals, and they will find you if what they believe in agrees with you. Going door to door is going out of the way to attempt to change peoples minds, and often times annoying and creepy!

Jehovah's Witness 1
Jehovah's Witness 2

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Steal from the rich... and give to me!

Last week we talked about various bandits, and my favorite is Robin Hood! Who doesn't like a guy that puts his life and reputation at risk to better the lives of others!? Well I for one wish there was a Robin Hood in my life. Even though stealing is not the most honest way of doing things, but there are just some people that have way too much, that really only need a fraction of it. Celebrities are a perfect example of having too much. Anyway I like Robin, hes a swell guy!

Sunday 4 March 2007


This topic was of somewhat familiar water for me. My high school love ended up cheating on me, my sisters boyfriend of fives years cheated on her, and I have numerous friends that have dealt with similar situations before. I seems like infidelity is more common, and somewhat socially acceptable. Nothing is sacred anymore, and true love is often just a hoax. I used to think of myself as a hopeless romantic, but I know, you can't trust everyone, and sometimes you are blinded by passion. I think its horrible to disregard someone's feelings, regardless of how unhappy you are in a relationship. If you are so unhappy that you need to be with other people, then maybe you should get out of that relationship! I just think think it sucks that so many people think its okay to cheat.
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