Wednesday 11 April 2007

Mugger Muggers Everywhere!!

For Easter break, a couple of friends and myself traveled to Italy. We were so excited to be getting out of England for a change and seeing somewhere new. Little did we know that Italy has a lot of people that like to steal your shit! One of my close friends from grade school is actually living in Rome for the semester, so we ended up meeting up with her for a few days. I had never heard so many stories about being robbed in my life. She had personally been mugged her second week in Rome, her roommate had a guy open her purse and rummage trough it on the subway, and her friends apartment had a hole chopped into the door. Her friend with the hole in the door had it worse, they stole all their computers, ipods, and even their clothing! I started to pay much more attention to my stuff, and noticed how "bad" so many people are. I can't say its strictly Italians, because that would inaccurate. People steal all over the world, it just more noticeable in Rome. It also made me think of this course, and the idea of Robin Hood, I don't think I would support him any longer, because I may be considered rich to someone who has very little, and I definitely don't want to be robbed!

Travel Tip Links:
Travel Tips 1
Travel Tips 2

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