Tuesday 8 May 2007

Final Entry!!!

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Age? 21 year old!
Sex? Female
What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Business Management
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? This module doesn’t relate so much to the courses I am taking this semester, but it has related to previous ones.
If so, how? And if not, why not? I think this module relates to subjects like psychology and sociology. Although, I am taking Terrorism, which often focuses on religion, which was mentioned in this course.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? I really feel that this module is well balanced. The idea of a blog being 30% my grade seemed to easy, but you really have to stay on top of it to pull of a good grade. The lectures were often stimulating, and being able to choose which topic to use for the other two assessments made it even more enjoyable.
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? I definitely feel the topics were appropriate to this course.
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? I can’t really think of anything to add to the list.
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? I don’t really understand this question. If you mean how lectures were carried out with PowerPoint, video and music clips, then yes I do think the format of classes worked well.
What did you think of the module team? Everyone seems well informed in the lectures they covered, which obviously is important. Although I never had to work one of one with anyone, I definitely feel like everyone was approachable and would have loved to help.
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? I think we had plenty of small group discussions.
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? Again, I think there was plenty of class debate on topics.
Information and talk from lecturers? I think the lecturers had plenty of information which was presented during the presentations, and class discussions.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? I loved that this module incorporated the many different perspectives and techniques. I much more stimulating to look at things from various points of views and mediums, than to simply read text and listen to lectures.
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? I do believe so, I don’t normally do anything that is creative writing, which I ended up doing for my final assessment. This made me think and work outside of my comfort zone, which doesn’t often happen.
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? I am actually a exchange student, which means I only spend one semester here. But I do wish my home university would offer courses like this one.
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? Unfortunately, I am unable to do so for reasons stated above.
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? I definitely would, and plan to do so to any students attending Wolverhampton from my own university.
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? I do, it give you the opportunity to reflect on lectures if you didn’t do so during class. It also makes you have to think about the topics, rather than simply attend lecture and be done with the topics.
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? I love that we have two assessments on top of the blog, which is how courses are back home and not so often done here. I like having multiple chances to present my thoughts and that reflect in my grade.
What have you learned from the module? That is a very broad question. I have learned a lot of background information on certain areas covered in this module that I did not know pervious, such as the history of body modification. For me this module offered me an international perspective on all the topics covered, as I am from the United States.
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? I really like the blogs. I made me reflect on each lecture, which I wouldn’t normally do. I really like how video clips were incorporated into lectures, it makes things more stimulating.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? Sometimes I felt the breaks we would take to think about like the biggest lie we told, or worst thing you could think were way too time consuming, but that’s just me.
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? Nope. I really enjoyed this module, was very different than any class I have ever taken here, as well as at home. The topics are relevant to everyday life, and for the most something most everyone can relate to.

Monday 7 May 2007

Response to Claire's Blog

I recently read through Claire's blog on stalking, and I completely agree with her. What constitutes a stalker is debatable, but the obvious are quite clear. It is never okay to continuously watch someone without their knowledge of you doing so. It is never okay to follow someone around, or manage to trace their every move. As Claire mentions, there is a gray area, like the person that calls a lot, or someone who is "overly enthusiastic". None the less, I fully agree with Claire's entry on stalking.

Claire's blog

Sunday 6 May 2007

Response to Tom's Blog

I just read Tom's blog on "being too religious" and really liked his view on this topic. He had mentioned that maybe one of the reasons religion can get a back rap now days is because the fact that there are religious wars going on. People often are turned off by things that are different than what they themselves believe in, which can make for a negative view towards one persons own religious beliefs. I think Tom made a really valid point in his entry!

Tom's blog

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Saturday 5 May 2007

Response to Megan's Blog

I just read Megan's blog regarding the topic of infidelity. She also went into this lecture in the same mindset as I myself did, which was that cheating is bad, ALWAYS! She went to mention that she was somewhat taken back by the fact that so many people in the the class didn't seem to agree with our perspectives. Her eyes were opened to the fact that some people don't see it bad at all, and some see it as a "solution to a problematic relationship." Well I still stand my ground that I personally feel cheating is awful, but I think it is something that everyone has to judge for themselves. When I read Megan's blog, it made me realize that everyone does have a different take on the situation, and that maybe for some, cheating is not so bad. I liked the fact that the lecture had given us both a new perspective on the topic!

Megan's Blog

Friday 4 May 2007

Response to Daniel's Blog

I recently read Daniel's blog on body modification. At first, the entry seemed interesting and showed a genuine interest in the historical relevance of body modification, but then it took a slight turn. Daniel had expressed that he thought tattoos and piercings were acceptable, as he in fact has one of each. He also explained the significance of his tattoo, which I feel is important. What threw me off was his opinion of how one or two tattoos are acceptable, but anything more is a little too "over the top." He even went on to say that facial tattoo are disturbing, he was shocked by the images he had seen in the lecture. I don't think it is right to say tattoos are an acceptable form of self expression, but only in moderation. I think that is somewhat hypocritical. It is not right to say what is too much and what isn't, it is that persons body, and they want 100 tattoos, then that is their right!

Daniel's blog

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Tuesday 1 May 2007

Response to Rachael's Blog

I recently read Rachael's blog on the topic of smoking. She had mentioned how her boyfriend had struggled to quite, but finally managed to, but then later started up again. She was irritated with his relapse, but the part that struck my attention was when she mentioned the recent smoking ban from pubs and bars. I am currently taking a hospitality course, which has spent much time focusing on this topic. She goes to say that non-smokers are going to benefit from this change, which I completely agree with. I know there are some negative sides to this ban, of course the smokers are going to be hurting, but really, what person life a big puff of smoke blown in their face when they are trying to enjoy a pint?!?

Rachael's blog

Sunday 29 April 2007


In the last lecture the question was raised of whether gambling is actually a form of being bad or not. I think it goes both ways. For some, gambling is a pastime, a way to enjoy oneself and have a little fun. For others, gambling is a troublesome addiction that only seems to make life worse. For the person who like to play the slots every once and a while, or even a little poker, there is nothing wrong with gambling. But I do believe that if gambling is having any kind of negative impact on your life, or the lives of others, then it is definitely bad. It is was you make of it. Money can be a huge strain on a relationship, which is why for some, it should be handled so foolishly. As said in the lecture, we gamble everyday, whether it is by having car insurance or betting on a football match,it's hard to say to gamble is being bad because it is a huge part of living.

gambling info
gambling help
gambling act 2005

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Sunday 22 April 2007

Little White Lies

I personally don't think there is much wrong with telling white lies to people. There are many instances when even if you tell a white lie, the itself is what the person wanted to hear in the first place. Women are often guilty of this act, not all, but some. The infamous question of, "Do I look good in this?" is prime example. Some people are actually seeking the truth when they ask, but some are just looking for you to say, "Yes, you look very nice in that." I just think that most white lies are harmless, they can sometimes make someones day. I'm not saying lying is always a good thing, because it often does cause many problems, and can escalate into worse situations, but there is nothing wrong with a little white lie that makes someone smile.

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Thursday 19 April 2007

I Love Lying to Kids!

As we discussed in lecture today, lying has its pros and cons. I, as many do, lie when need be. I was kind of shocked when people suggested that it is wrong to lie to your kids, whether it be Santa or the Tooth Fairy. I can't imagine Christmas as a child with out the bewilderment of Santa and his reindeer. I know there is more to Christmas than Santa and presents, but you are a small child, it is a huge part of the excitement! Kids love to hear lies, it makes life more fun, I feel like kids do a lot of lying themselves, but we call it creativity. Imaginary friends, playing games with fictional characters, even the idea of a plastic doll taking on a life of its own. These are lies kids tell themselves everyday. There is a huge difference between lies that cause emotional pain, and a lie that enhances the life of a child. To say that kids should never be told lies is completely crazy!

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Tuesday 17 April 2007

I Just Don't Understand...

If I not mentioned it my previous blogs, I am a exchange student from the United States, which is why the News from the past few days is completely shocking to say the least. Over 30 students were killed at Virginia Tech on Monday, and why, it seems no one really knows. The shooter was a 23 year old student, said to be a loner, but again, no one knows why. I just can't understand what could have been going through the mind of this student that would make him act in such a way. There is never a reason to take the lives of others, and its horrid to think of how many innocent people were killed at his expense. It makes you think about what could happen at your own university, because anyone has the power to do what this man did, I just don't understand why...


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Monday 16 April 2007

Hold your Liquor!

Living on campus has definitely had its perks since I first arrived here. I live in walking distance of campus, as well as Asda ;), and I have little space to call my own. There is just one thing that I detest, and that is people being gross! Theres nothing I love more than to wake up and my hall smelling like vomit, or better yet, it completely coating the toilets. This seems to be the regular occurrence Randall Lines. I myself don't live there, but I have to hear about it almost everyday from my friend who does. I have had my run in with the puke factor a few times in my building, mostly the stairwell reeks, but my friends, whose name I will not dispense, goes through this almost everyday. First of all, I don't understand the appeal of drinking to the point of vomiting it all back up, I love to drink, but I know when to stop. Secondly, why can't you get it in the toilet and flush?! It's really not that hard, they should give a small lecture on how to drink without puking, followed by a, in case the fist lecture didn't work, how to puke properly. Anyway, some people just need to learn how to hold their liquor!

Friday 13 April 2007


So I was sitting in the hairdressers the other day waiting for my friend to get her hair cut, and I started to read glamor magazine. I came across an article titled "I May Have Slept With the Ipswich Strangler." There really wasn't anything else that struck my eye, so I started to read it. I couldn't believe what I had read. I especially couldn't believe the lives these women of the article were leading. The girl who had survived the series of murders, all targeted at prostitutes, had been on the streets since she was 14! She is a heroin addict, which consumes all her money, time and energy. I do sympathize with these women, for it must be hard to live like that, and even more hard to get out of a life like that. I also don't understand why they don't make more of an effort to seek help. Go to rehab, get a real job. It did state in the article that the surviver of the story really wanted to live a normal live, with a normal job, settle down and have a family, the she said she be surprised if she survived another 20 years of her life. I just feel like there are a few options to get away from a life like this, so why no take them

Thursday 12 April 2007


I can't write an essay on Kids for the final assessment because I did an essay for the first one, but I was thinking about the 3rd question, "What is so ‘good’ about films like Kids (1995)?" When I first saw Kids I couldn't believe what I had just seen, I was so disturbed, on so many levels. I mean the kids were literally just kids! The idea that 14-year-old kids were contracting HIV was just unreal for me. Not only were these kids having sex, they were drinking and doing drugs as well. Obviously, that would draw some controversy, but the reality is, it happens. People, especially kids, think nothing bad will ever happen to them, we are too young to worry about dying. It makes you think, you aren't untouchable, this stuff does happen, and you better be careful or it will happen to you. Its a harsh reality, but movies like Kids open eyes, and make you think twice.

aids awareness
underage drinking

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Wednesday 11 April 2007

Mugger Muggers Everywhere!!

For Easter break, a couple of friends and myself traveled to Italy. We were so excited to be getting out of England for a change and seeing somewhere new. Little did we know that Italy has a lot of people that like to steal your shit! One of my close friends from grade school is actually living in Rome for the semester, so we ended up meeting up with her for a few days. I had never heard so many stories about being robbed in my life. She had personally been mugged her second week in Rome, her roommate had a guy open her purse and rummage trough it on the subway, and her friends apartment had a hole chopped into the door. Her friend with the hole in the door had it worse, they stole all their computers, ipods, and even their clothing! I started to pay much more attention to my stuff, and noticed how "bad" so many people are. I can't say its strictly Italians, because that would inaccurate. People steal all over the world, it just more noticeable in Rome. It also made me think of this course, and the idea of Robin Hood, I don't think I would support him any longer, because I may be considered rich to someone who has very little, and I definitely don't want to be robbed!

Travel Tip Links:
Travel Tips 1
Travel Tips 2

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Wednesday 28 March 2007


At the beginning of the last lecture, we were asked if we were had modified our bodies. Not really thinking about the question, I didn't raise my hand, but am definitely guilty. I have had a monroe piercing as well as my ears, and died my hair numerous amounts of times. I can't actually remember how many different times and colors my hair has been. Anyway, I decided to "modify" my body again. I died my hair red, and when I was doing this, I totally thought of our last lecture. This isn't really an opinion or anything, I am just writing because the lecture made me think more about what body modification is, and how often I actually do modify my body.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Free Canvas...

I personally love the idea of tattoos and piercings, I have my ears pierced and had a Monroe at one point. There is nothing better than using your body as your own personal canvas. It is no one else's property but your own, and no one has the right to tell you what to do with it. You can have one or the other, or even both. They can be clearly shown or concealed for your own personal enjoyment, its all up to you. I don't currently have any tattoos, but someday when I am really inspired I just may get one, but I'm not there yet. I think being able to have something that has deeper meaning than anyone else can even understand is an amazing personal power. Some people think tattoos and piercings are ugly, and sometimes offensive, but that is their opinion. The lecture this past Thursday on this topic was extremely interesting because I never really had a grasp on how many cultures use these as forms of expression and religious purposes. While tattoos are a way to be ones own personal canvas, they are historic and full of culture.
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Wednesday 21 March 2007

Step away from my door!

There are many things in this world I dislike, and one of them is when people attempt to force their ideals upon you. As mentioned in George Chryssides' lecture, Jehovah’s Witnesses are among the religions that to me, work to hard to spread their word. I can remember countless times of seeing the unfamiliar car parked at the end of my driveway, and wondering who is that walking to our door step? It annoys me that rituals like this are thought of as productive. My family, as do many, opted for the pretend like we are not home option, even if the T.V was on. The way I see it is, if I wanted to be a part of your group I would. Everyone has their own beliefs and morals, and they will find you if what they believe in agrees with you. Going door to door is going out of the way to attempt to change peoples minds, and often times annoying and creepy!

Jehovah's Witness 1
Jehovah's Witness 2

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Steal from the rich... and give to me!

Last week we talked about various bandits, and my favorite is Robin Hood! Who doesn't like a guy that puts his life and reputation at risk to better the lives of others!? Well I for one wish there was a Robin Hood in my life. Even though stealing is not the most honest way of doing things, but there are just some people that have way too much, that really only need a fraction of it. Celebrities are a perfect example of having too much. Anyway I like Robin, hes a swell guy!

Sunday 4 March 2007


This topic was of somewhat familiar water for me. My high school love ended up cheating on me, my sisters boyfriend of fives years cheated on her, and I have numerous friends that have dealt with similar situations before. I seems like infidelity is more common, and somewhat socially acceptable. Nothing is sacred anymore, and true love is often just a hoax. I used to think of myself as a hopeless romantic, but I know, you can't trust everyone, and sometimes you are blinded by passion. I think its horrible to disregard someone's feelings, regardless of how unhappy you are in a relationship. If you are so unhappy that you need to be with other people, then maybe you should get out of that relationship! I just think think it sucks that so many people think its okay to cheat.
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Friday 16 February 2007

Sex, Lies and... Stalkers?

After watching the various clips presented in class, and thinking about the questions asked, I came to a few conclusions.

One, shop lifting is a form of theft, but there are various degrees on this crime, at least in the US that is. Lois was stealing stuff, and it depends on the dollar value how severe the crime actually is. If she was stealing money, or as mention in the lecture, if she was putting lives at danger, then the crime is more severe. And to answer why people who can afford to buy things steal them instead, in extreme conditions, all for the adrenaline rush.
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My second conclusion is that a prostitute is a prostitute! If you are selling yourself (sexually) for money, then you are a prostitute. If you are manipulating people for monetary benefits, then you are simply a freeloader! What was happening in Breakfast at Tiffany's is a classic case of pretty girl taking advantage of a rich man. I personally don't think thats respectable, but I do feel that it is more socially respectable because there is no sexual favors being performed. Also, it is ones own fault to assume that one will receive "compensation" for footing the bill.
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Finally, there is definitely a fine line between paying attention to someone and stalking. What was happening in Peep Show was what I consider stalking. Hacking into someone's e-mail account is in no way acceptable behavior. I feel it is acceptable to pay attention to when someone takes their lunch break so you can casually run into them, or find a common interest like skiing and turn that into a conversation. But once you have found similarities, it is important to actually pursue the person, otherwise you are just being creepy. It is never acceptable to follow someone home, or to watch them at home or other public places without your presence being known. It is never acceptable to hack into e-mail accounts, open others mail or hack into their voice mail. Some things are harmless acts of a crush, and some things are just over the edge, but I think whats harmless and whats not are very obvious.

Thursday 15 February 2007

To Quit or not to Quit....

As previously mentioned, I am not a fan of smoking/smokers. While I remain a non-smoker, I have many friends that choose to be part of the big bad smoker group. I am currently here at Wolverhampton as an exchange student from the US, and I recently got wind that one of my US smoker friends finally decided to attempt quitting. I was so excited to read that she bought the patch and was on the road to giving up such a nasty habit. There is nothing I hate more than going to her apartment, and even if I am in there for less than five minutes, I come out smelling like an ashtray! Well I expressed my excited to her room mate, who then told me that yes she did buy the patch, but she also bought a carton of cigarettes the same day! I was so disappointed, she couldn't even make it a day. I guess the answer to the question is... not to quit.
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Jill (the smoker) and myself


Wednesday 14 February 2007

The Long Ride Home

I have never really cared when others were smoking, as I myself am a non-smoker, but this weekend made me hate smokers just a little bit more. I went away this weekend to the city of Bath, and of course the cheapest way of getting there was by bus, so me and my friends took the six hour journey by coach. All was well going there, it was the bus ride home that set me off. First our connecting bus was 30 minutes late, then the driver decided that he couldn't make the two hour bus without a cigarette! We ended up stopping an hour into our second of three bus rides just so this guy could waste 20 minutes of my life while he smoked a cigarette. It wouldn't have bothered me so much if the bus was running on time, but he was late to begin with, and had to make us even more late for our final connecting bus, which we almost missed. It's one thing to be a smoker and doing it on your own time, but to be wasting everyone else's time is just stupid!!
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